Around the World is a popular basketball drill that is used to improve shooting, ball handling, and overall court awareness. It's a fun and challenging game that can be played by players of all ages and skill levels. In this article, we'll take a closer look at how to play Around the World basketball, its benefits, and some variations to make the game more exciting.

The objective of Around the World is to make shots from different spots on the court, moving around the perimeter in a circular motion. The game requires players to be accurate, agile, and have good ball control. The goal is to make a shot from each spot before moving on to the next one, hence the name "Around the World".

To set up the game, you'll need a basketball court and a few cones or markers to designate the shooting spots. Typically, the shooting spots are spaced evenly around the perimeter of the court, about 15-20 feet from the basket. You can adjust the distance and number of spots based on the age and skill level of the players.

How to Play

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to play Around the World:

1. Start at one of the designated shooting spots. You can choose any spot to begin, but it's usually best to start at the top of the key.

2. Make a shot from the starting spot. You can use any type of shot, such as a jump shot, layup, or floater.

3. If you make the shot, move to the next spot in a clockwise direction. If you miss, stay at the same spot until you make a shot.

4. Continue making shots and moving around the court until you've completed a full circle.

5. If you're playing with a group, you can keep track of who completes the circle the fastest or who makes the most shots in a row.

Variations of the Game

To make the game more challenging and exciting, you can add some variations:

- Time Attack: Set a timer for a certain amount of time, and players must complete as many circles as possible within that time.

- Shot Clock: Add a shot clock to each spot, and players must make a shot before the clock runs out.

- Moving Defenders: Add defenders who can move around the court and try to block or distract the shooter.

- Team Play: Divide players into teams, and have them work together to complete the circle.

Benefits of Playing Around the World

Around the World is an excellent drill for improving several aspects of your game:

- Shooting Accuracy: The game helps players develop their shooting technique and accuracy from different spots on the court.

- Ball Handling: Players must dribble the ball around the court, which improves their ball control and hand-eye coordination.

- Court Awareness: The game requires players to be aware of their surroundings, including the basket, defenders, and teammates.

- Endurance: Around the World is a great cardio workout, improving players' endurance and stamina.

Tips for Coaches and Players

Here are some tips to get the most out of the game:

- Start with shorter distances and gradually increase the range as players become more comfortable.

- Focus on proper shooting technique, including balance, footwork, and follow-through.

- Encourage players to move quickly and efficiently around the court, using different speeds and angles to create space.

- Make it fun! Around the World is a game, so be sure to keep it engaging and enjoyable for players.

Around the World is a fantastic drill for basketball players of all levels. It's a fun and challenging way to improve shooting, ball handling, and court awareness, while also providing a great workout. By following these steps and tips, you can incorporate Around the World into your training and take your game to the next level.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Around the World Basketball?

Around the World Basketball is a popular shooting drill used to improve a player's shooting technique and accuracy from different spots on the court. It involves shooting from various locations around the perimeter, simulating game-like situations.

What are the benefits of playing Around the World Basketball?

Playing Around the World Basketball can help improve your shooting technique, increase your confidence, and enhance your overall game performance. It also helps develop muscle memory, allowing you to shoot with precision and consistency.

What equipment do I need to play Around the World Basketball?

You'll need a basketball court, a basketball, and a partner or a rebounder. You can also use cones or markers to designate shooting spots around the court.

How do I set up the court for Around the World Basketball?

Divide the court into 5-7 shooting spots, depending on your skill level and goals. Typically, these spots include the top of the key, wings, and corners. You can use cones or markers to mark each spot.

What is the objective of Around the World Basketball?

The objective is to make a shot from each designated spot around the court, moving in a circular motion. You can set a specific number of makes required at each spot or challenge yourself to make a certain number of shots in a row.

How do I start playing Around the World Basketball?

Begin at one of the designated shooting spots, such as the top of the key. Take a few practice shots to get comfortable, then start making shots from that spot. Once you've made the required number of shots, move to the next spot and repeat the process.

What if I miss a shot?

If you miss a shot, you can either start over from the beginning or continue to the next spot. It's up to you to decide how challenging you want to make the drill.

Can I play Around the World Basketball alone?

Yes, you can play Around the World Basketball alone, but it's more fun and challenging with a partner or in a group. A partner can rebound for you, provide support, and add an element of competition.

How long does a game of Around the World Basketball typically last?

The length of a game can vary depending on your skill level, the number of shooting spots, and the number of makes required at each spot. On average, a game can last anywhere from 15-30 minutes.

Can I modify the game to suit my skill level?

Absolutely! You can adjust the number of shooting spots, the distance from the basket, or the number of makes required at each spot to make the game more challenging or easier.

What are some variations of Around the World Basketball?

Some variations include shooting with your non-dominant hand, using different types of shots (e.g., jumpers, layups, or floaters), or incorporating defensive players to simulate game-like situations.

How can I track my progress in Around the World Basketball?

You can keep track of your progress by recording your makes and misses, timing yourself, or setting personal bests for each shooting spot. You can also film yourself to analyze your technique and identify areas for improvement.

What are some common mistakes to avoid in Around the World Basketball?

Common mistakes include rushing your shot, not squaring your feet to the basket, and not following through on your shot. Focus on proper technique and take your time to ensure a smooth, consistent shooting motion.

Can I play Around the World Basketball with a team?

Yes, you can play Around the World Basketball with a team, dividing players into groups or pairs to compete against each other. This can add a fun, competitive element to the game.

How does Around the World Basketball improve my game performance?

Around the World Basketball helps improve your shooting technique, accuracy, and confidence, which can translate to better performance in games. It also enhances your ability to shoot under pressure and in game-like situations.

What if I get bored with the traditional Around the World Basketball format?

You can mix things up by changing the shooting spots, incorporating different types of shots, or adding defensive players. You can also set new challenges for yourself, such as making a certain number of shots in a row or beating your personal best time.

Can I play Around the World Basketball with younger players?

Absolutely! Around the World Basketball is a great way to introduce younger players to shooting fundamentals and build their confidence on the court. You can adjust the difficulty level and shooting spots to suit their skill level.

How does Around the World Basketball improve my mental toughness?

Around the World Basketball helps build mental toughness by challenging you to overcome obstacles, such as missing shots or feeling frustrated. It also teaches you to stay focused and composed under pressure.

What are some safety precautions to take when playing Around the World Basketball?

Make sure to warm up before playing, stretch afterwards, and take regular breaks to avoid fatigue and injury. Also, be aware of your surroundings and ensure the court is clear of obstacles.

Can I play Around the World Basketball outdoors?

Yes, you can play Around the World Basketball outdoors on a court or a designated shooting area. Just be sure to adjust for any wind or weather conditions that may affect your shot.

How does Around the World Basketball improve my overall fitness?

Around the World Basketball provides a great cardiovascular workout, improving your endurance and agility. It also strengthens your core and leg muscles, which are essential for shooting and overall basketball performance.

What if I'm not a strong shooter?

That's okay! Around the World Basketball is designed to help you improve your shooting technique and accuracy. Start with shorter distances and gradually move back as you become more comfortable and confident.

Can I use Around the World Basketball as a warm-up or cool-down?

Absolutely! Around the World Basketball makes a great warm-up or cool-down exercise, helping to get you loose and ready for a game or practice, or to stretch and unwind afterwards.